Easing Dental Anxiety: Coping Methods that Can Help

June 21, 2024

Overcoming Dental Anxiety: Effective Strategies for Comfortable Care

Are you feeling hesitant to make a dental appointment? Dental anxiety can affect people of all ages. Many are fearful to go to the dentist, whether due to past experiences or unexplained unease. At Thrive Dental Co., we've made it our mission to create a different kind of dental experience - one that's warm, patient-centered, and all about your well-being.

From Anxiety to Dentistry: Dr. Jenny's Journey

When our founder, Dr. Jenny Citrin, was a young kid, she had a seriously traumatic experience at the dentist. Picture this: six-year-old Jenny, frightened and vulnerable, getting two cavities filled. Feeling overwhelmed, she needed the procedure to stop and asked for a brief bathroom break, but the dentist refused. She felt trapped, unsupported, and unheard. This sense of helplessness lingered with her for years

At 19, Dr. Jenny found herself back at the dentist, this time to have a tooth removed and an implant. Years of coaxing from her family to take better care of her teeth only backfired and pushed her to avoid the dentist. Now as she sat in the chair waiting for the procedure, all she could do was sob. 

Those experiences? They're what drove Dr. Jenny to become a dentist herself. She knew what it was like to feel unsupported and unheard. She knew that there was a better way and saw an opportunity to be the change she wished to see in the world. . That's why she started Thrive Dental Co. - to create a space where patients can leave feeling refreshed, valued, and looking forward to their next visit.

Understanding Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety can feel like this overwhelming sense of dread or panic when you even think about sitting in that chair. Maybe your palms get sweaty, your heart races or your stomach does somersaults. Some folks cry and others feel like they can't breathe. It's different for everyone, but one thing's for sure - it's not fun.

At Thrive Dental Co., we know that every single patient who walks through our doors has their own story and struggles. We're not here to judge or make assumptions. Instead, we choose to listen and understand what you're going through. We'll work with you to find coping strategies and create a dental plan that feels doable and even (dare we say it?) enjoyable.

Thrive Dental's Patient-Centric Approach 

We believe in cultivating an atmosphere of trust. You will receive personalized care before, during, and after your appointment. 

Before you even sit in the dental chair, we'll take the time to have a conversation with you about your concerns and preferences. This can happen wherever you feel most at ease - in the chair, in another room, or even over the phone before your appointment. 

Our custom patient discovery process will help you work through your feelings about dentistry with curiosity and without judgment. We ask tailored questions to understand your worries, allowing us to create a dental plan that addresses your specific needs. We provide a safe space where no questions are off-limits and there’s no time constraint or rush to move on to the next step. 

Once you move into the dental chair, your comfort continues to be our priority. We offer amenities like ceiling TVs, noise-canceling headphones, and soft warm blankets to help you relax. You'll have full control over your experience, with the ability to take breaks or ask questions whenever you need. There's no rush - we move at your pace.

Throughout your procedure, you’ll be given full autonomy over your experience. You can say no or hit pause at any time. Dr. Jenny will always ask for permission before moving the chair or doing anything else that may startle you. We work in tandem to help you feel relaxed and in control of the experience. 

Furthermore, we offer profound anesthesia to prevent pain and anti-anxiety medications to help you feel more at ease during your visit. Even Dr. Jenny relies on medication to manage her anxiety when undergoing procedures beyond a routine cleaning.

At Thrive Dental Co., we prioritize your comfort and well-being. Your unique coping strategies are respected and encouraged.

Effective Coping Methods for Dental Anxiety

Before Your Visit

We'll contact you to discuss your needs and preferences, encouraging you to ask questions and share your concerns. This initial consultation sets the stage for a positive, stress-free dental experience.

During Your Visit

From the moment you arrive, we'll do everything to help you feel relaxed. Many of our patients find comfort in watching the TV on the ceiling during their procedure. The noise-canceling headphones provide a helpful distraction. The blankets we offer also provide an extra layer of comfort, so much so that many patients report forgetting they’re at the dentist. Of course, if there's something specific that helps you cope with anxiety, please let us know.

Building a Long-Term Relationship

We believe health is a collaborative effort between patient and doctor. Sometimes there can be an overwhelming power dynamic between patients and doctors, but not with Dr. Jenny. She strives to break down barriers by promoting comfort and vulnerability, fostering a trusting relationship where you feel supported and heard.

Supporting Regular Dental Care Despite Anxiety

Regular dental care is crucial for maintaining a healthy smile and overall well-being. At Thrive Dental Co., we'll work with you to create a manageable and sustainable plan. We'll start slow, and take breaks when you need them. Over time, you might even look forward to your visits as you experience more positive, empowering interactions with our team.


There's no shame in feeling anxious or hesitant about dental care. Your health is personal. Whether you're ready to book an appointment or just want to chat through your concerns, we're here for you. We're more than just a dental practice - we're your partner in achieving lifelong dental health.

Don't let anxiety stop you from receiving the care you deserve. Thrive Dental Co. is here to act as a safe, supportive point of contact, whether you simply need to talk, get questions answered, or book an appointment. Contact Dr. Jenny and her team at Thrive Dental Co. to start your journey towards a healthier, happier smile.