5 Most Popular Cosmetic Dental Procedures

July 5, 2024

Popular Cosmetic Dental Procedures

A beautiful smile does more than just brighten your face – your smile can influence how you carry yourself and interact with others. It’s a powerful tool in your social toolbelt, enhancing interactions and boosting your confidence in ways you might not even realize. At Thrive Dental Co., we understand the importance of a radiant smile and offer top-tier cosmetic dentistry services designed to transform your dental aesthetics and elevate your self-esteem.

What are Cosmetic Dental Procedures?

Let's talk about your smile for a moment. Are you completely satisfied with how your teeth look, or do you feel there's room for improvement? If you're not confident about flashing your grin in photos, that's understandable. Know that you deserve to feel great about your smile. Luckily, there are terrific cosmetic options available to help transform your teeth and give you the smile you deserve. No more hiding that smile - it's time to let it shine!

Cosmetic procedures primarily focus on improving the overall esthetics of your smile to boost confidence and overall quality of life. A beautiful smile can impact the level of self-esteem you have as well as confidence. In fact, studies show that those who have a straighter, more beautiful smile tend to be more confident. They also are perceived as more confident and successful by their peers. Smiling releases endorphins, natural mood boosters, and reduces stress. Smiling also helps you appear more approachable and trustworthy, making people more likely to want to help you if you're struggling. So next time you're feeling low, don't be afraid to give smiling a try. 

At Thrive Dental Co., we have a rock-star dentist who elevates a bland smile into one that shines with natural beauty. Dr. Jenny is one of the top three American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Accreditation Candidates in Massachusetts. Her high level of excellence ensures the most advanced, least invasive, and comfortable cosmetic dentistry available. She’s also a Kois Center graduate, meaning all her protocols are evidence-based. Her Kois expertise ensures your smile makeover is designed to stand the test of time.

If you're feeling a bit apprehensive about taking the first step, we completely understand. That's why we offer a no-strings-attached consultation where you can discuss your concerns, ask questions, and see for yourself why Thrive Dental Co. is the go-to practice for exceptional care and esthetic excellence.

What are the top 5 cosmetic dental procedures? Read on to learn about the dental treatments that can give you a smile you'll be proud to show off at every opportunity.

5 Most Popular Cosmetic Dental Procedures

1. Composite Veneers

Veneers are a conservative dental restoration that improves your tooth’s appearance by covering the visible surface. They effectively address stains, uneven or dark color, white spots, shape, chips, gaps, or misshapen teeth. 

Composite resin veneers offer a cost-effective and minimally invasive answer for improving your smile. The size, shape, and color of your teeth can be customized for an incredible, personalized smile. Unlike porcelain veneers, composite veneers can often be applied in a single office visit and require ZERO tooth preparation. It's a quick and effective way to achieve the smile you've always wanted.

Dr. Jenny starts with a thorough consultation. She'll look at your face shape, lips, smile, and gums to make sure your veneers will give you a sensational smile that lasts a long time. 

The process for composite veneers begins with a thorough consultation, which includes taking photos of your teeth and creating a virtual mockup to visualize the desired outcome. Following the consultation, a scan of your teeth is taken to make lab wax-ups, which serve as a guide for applying the bonding material. Next up is the bonding application. This step may require multiple appointments, depending on the number of teeth treated. Once the bonding material is applied, stains and finishing touches are added to produce a polished, natural-looking smile.

Composite Bonding - Before and After

2. Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers like composite veneers cover the visible surface of your natural teeth to improve their appearance. They are thin, custom-made beautiful porcelain shells expertly crafted to cover the front surface of your teeth, instantly transforming your smile. People love porcelain veneers because they reflect light and mimic the properties of natural teeth, offering a realistic look. Porcelain veneers maintain the perfect surface shine throughout their life while composite veneers will dull in appearance over time.

The procedure for applying porcelain veneers begins with an in-depth consultation where Dr. Jenny pays attention to how the veneers will work with your face shape, lips, smile, and gums to ensure a lasting transformation. This initial consult is followed by a gentle preparation of your teeth, where a small amount of enamel is removed to accommodate the veneer. You will leave the first visit with temporary veneers that mimic the shape of the permanent veneers. Our patients love this part because they get to test drive their new smile and can be in the driver's seat if there are any changes they want to make to the design. The final temporary design will be sent to our AACD-accredited lab where they craft the veneers to perfectly match the color and size that best suits your smile. Once the veneers are ready, there is a try-in visit. If you and Dr. Jenny feel that everything is perfect then the veneers are carefully bonded to your teeth, instantly transforming how you look (and how you feel!).

The outcomes of getting veneers are immediate and stunning. You'll walk out of our office with a dramatically better smile that looks and feels totally natural. Remember, the best cosmetic dentistry is the kind you can't even tell is there - it naturally enhances your smile.

Porcelain Veneers - Before and After

3. Teeth Whitening

If you're looking to dazzle with a brilliantly white smile, professional teeth whitening will give you dramatic results. Dr. Jenny performs a detailed assessment of your oral health to customize the treatment according to where you are now and where you want to be. While we have many whitening options, our patients favor KoR because the results are the best. KoR starts with at-home trays that you wear with whitening gel overnight. Then, Dr. Jenny applies a powerful solution formulated by ​​KöR Whitening in the office. KöR Whitening is without question the best brightening option for our patients. It’s an advanced whitening system, tackling even the most stubborn stains and discoloration. If you’ve tried other teeth whitening treatments with less than impressive results, give KoR a try!

4. Invisalign

Depending on your goals, straight teeth might be the end point or it could be the beginning of your smile transformation. Most veneer cases start with Invisalign because if we set up the foundation correctly, your treatment will be more predictable over the long term and also preserve a more natural tooth structure for your veneers.

A straight, well-aligned smile is as important as a white, bright one. Beyond appearance, misaligned teeth can result in abnormal tooth wear, jaw pain, gum disease, and tooth decay. Orthodontic treatment manages the growth and correction of dental and facial structures to enable your upper and lower teeth to fit together comfortably.

Invisalign is a discreet orthodontic solution that uses a series of clear custom-fitted aligners that gently and gradually move your teeth into the desired position. Unlike braces, these aligners are practically invisible, and you can take them out to eat, brush, and floss. It's a super practical and esthetically pleasing way to get orthodontic treatment.

The process begins with a digital scan of your mouth, which is used to create your custom aligners. Treatment usually takes 12 months, and at the end, you'll receive your final Vivera retainers and whitening gel to maintain your stunning new smile.

5. Gum Lift

Do your gums show more than you would like? Are your teeth really short? Or do your teeth look like they don't match? A gum lift may just be the answer.

When you're choosing a cosmetic dentist, make sure they pay as much attention to your gums as they do to your teeth. It’s not unusual for our patients to have an excess of tissue that results in a “gummy smile.” A gum lift is a procedure that removes excess gum tissue and reshapes your gum line for a more balanced, symmetrical smile. It's the perfect finishing touch to create a harmonious, esthetically pleasing smile.

Are You Ready for Your Cosmetic Dental Procedure?

At Thrive Dental Co., we take a comprehensive approach to patient health through functional dentistry. What does this mean? Well, we don’t do root canals. We don’t take teeth out. We improve oral health by focusing on a holistic approach to your whole-body health. And we want you to feel good every step of the way.

If you’re in Massachusetts and dreaming of a smile that shows your true self, contact Thrive Dental. Dr. Jenny Citrin is the owner and smile designer extraordinaire at Thrive Dental Co. She’s the only Kois graduate and member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry in the area. Dr. Jenny is here to listen to your goals, concerns, and desires, and create a personalized treatment plan that will leave you smiling from ear to ear.

Schedule a Virtual Smile Consultation and take the first step toward a stunning new smile and a confident new you.